version 8.3.8

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Returns information about a specific Asset. Includes asset information, asset file information, urls, thumbnail,reference file,associated files,captions,assocaited links and metadata.

URL Format



Name Req Type Description
app_token string The user app token
assetid string the assetid of a given asset
assetuuid string the asset uuid of a given asset
referenceId string referenceId of a given asset (reference id and asset id should not be used together. When using refernce id always provide client_token)
clientUUID string (client_token) for the given account to which the assset belong to. (client_token is only needed when using reference id)
mode string Sprecifies the response type. Needs to be 'json'

Request Headers


Possible Responses

  • 637 Invalid Asset
  • 303 Invalid Asset ID
  • 1036 Invalid reference Id
  • 101 Invalid client token.
  • 659 Invalid Client
  • 1045 Asset not started
  • 1046 Asset expired

Example Response

{"response":{"failure":{"code":1046,"reason":"Asset expired","details":"","severity":"Error","dtstamp":"2025-01-22 10:48:23"}}}